Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mother's Day

From Elder Nick Olsen May 11, 2015

A cold day in Uberlândia. Gray skies and a brisk wind, Ed Sheeran is softly floating on the air in the lan house.


Happy Mother's Day mom! I think I am a pretty bad son because both Mother's days while skyping I forgot to say happy mother's day. But I love you so much and am so grateful that I have you (and dad too) as my shepherds in this life. I really can't thank you enough for everything.

This week has been pretty weird! On Wednesday morning, I departed for Goiânia, we had meetings for a few days, and I didn't get back until Saturday night. So I guess you could say we didn't teach toooooo many lessons, haha. But it was great, we learned about what we can do to work more effectively and help people repent and come unto Christ, and also I got to see my friends from the mission. AND on Sunday I got to see my parents! Really weird week, haha but I am all smiles.

In one meeting we talked about genealogy and how we can help retain people and further the work of salvation through that. And he told us to all think of an experience with a relative that we have had, and tell it to our neighbor. So I thought and told the Elder sitting next to me, and I felt this great feeling. Like nostalgia mixed with happiness and clarity, idk! and then the guy said "how do y'all feel now? that feeling is the 'spirit of elijah', its another manifestation of the Holy Ghost." I thought that was so cooL! I remember when I was in the office and I found the mission journal of our ancestor James Olsen (I think) and I just had such a thrill. I know that this is a part of the work of salvation, and it brings a good feeling too.

Well that's all for this week. but I love y'all, thank you for your prayers and support :)

much love,

Elder Nick Olsen

ps i tried to send pics mom but the camera didnt connect idk whats wrong with this compy sorry :(

From Elder Eric Olsen May 9, 2015

I guess it's not mother's day YET, but happy early mother's day! The role of a mother is so important in today's world, and I think that many times we take our mother's for granted. I have found, especially here, that a mother can make all the difference in the life of her children - what they believe, how they act, and who they become, among other things. Just yesterday I visited a family, and the mother told us that she was going to spend less time at work to have a greater influence in the lives of her small children - I found very respectable that she would sacrifice her professional life and personal interests to help those that are completely dependent upon her. I am grateful for a mother that brought me up in the ways of God, and taught me how to be a good person! She taught me how to pray, and that I needed to pray each day. She helped me create a relationship with my Father - the most important relationship that any of us can cultivate on this Earth.

Thanks for everything mom! I love you.

In other news, the week was pretty slow going. We found one person (!) that accepted us, and wanted to hear more about Jesus Christ and His gospel. Walter. He likes to tell stories. ...he REALLY likes to tell stories! Usually I am really impatient with people that like to talk a lot, but I felt a really deep love for Walter as he told us about his life - he has gone through a lot. We are gonna help him stop smoking, and drinking coffee, and continue teaching him of how he can become a man of God. Tomorrow we will take him to church!

We were promised in our mission that if we have a question, or a doubt, that we can rely on the Book of Mormon to resolve it. If we pray, asking to be shown an answer, and open the Book of Mormon to any 2 pages, Heavenly Father will show us what we need to know or do on those 2 pages. I testify that it's possible, because I have done it many times! I love the Book of Mormon, and the answers that it hold for our lives.

Até amanhã!

Elder Olsen

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